In Dawasamu, GVI Charitable Programs focuses on community development, where we assist members of the local community with gender equality initiatives, global public health, and early childhood development.
Primary Objective :
Support and strengthen environmental, health and educational awareness through the dissemination of information via workshops and community-based learning.
Secondary Objectives:
– Continuous knowledge exchange with the local community to ensure effective communication and sustainable change.
– Capacity building with key stakeholders within the community to facilitate the ongoing, sustainable dissemination of information.
Sustainability Goal
Establish and phase over collaborative projects to local partners on key areas they have highlighted to develop. Capacity building is our priority, collaborating with key stakeholders within the community to facilitate the ongoing, sustainable dissemination of information.
Phasing down and phasing over methods will be applied as parts of the exit strategy.
Phasing down
The project will require an investment of training and funds initially and will be supported by donations, fundraising, and grants. Once the programs are established the required funding support will start to reduce, with the aim of the projects as follows:
Waste Management
– Funded by the government / local business through grants/sponsorships within 12 months.
Health Project
– Through training and mentoring for the district nurse and community health workers will be established and phased over in a 12 month period.
Education Project
The early childhood education program as two parts:
– Playgroup sessions will require support to operate for a period of 18 months. Program reviewed and changes made if required, and assessment of the interest in the community to coordinate play sessions.
– Caregivers/community members are engaged and understand the benefits of learning through play, the required funding support will start to reduce once all community members interested in these courses have completed all courses (estimate 12 months).
Phasing over
Waste Management
– Through an ongoing program of mentoring key members of the community, the headman from each village and community health worker from each village will assist in the training of all community members, and the organizing of the removal of the recycling on a three-month cycle. This will be phased over to the Dawasamu District over a period of 12 months.
Health Project
– Through an ongoing program of mentoring the District Nurse and up-skilling of community health workers, we can continue to build capacity. Ongoing additional training offered will enhance the professional and personal development of the community health workers.
– Data analysis report will be compiled through the district nurse and community health worker’s patient registrar. Through training and mentoring for the district nurse and community health workers, this will be established and phased over in a 12 month period.
– Records system will be set for each village taking part in the caregiver program to monitor and record the number of participants completing the course. Estimated 12 months to complete all courses in the 3 villages.
Waste Management
Once phased over, the key members of each village will continue working together and continue to support the communities in recycling/ disposing of waste safely. The waste management project will be overseen by the Dawasamu Representative. A transition strategy will be put in place to allow continued contact and ongoing advice/support as required. The original project will be evaluated 3, 6, 9, 12 months.
Health Project
Once phased over, the District nurse will take on the key responsibilities in the development of the district’s community health workers. A transition strategy will be put in place to allow continued contact and ongoing advice/support as required. The original project will be evaluated 3, 6, 9, 12 months.
Education Project
Once phased over, 3-5 community members of each village will be identified to coordinate play sessions within their community. A transition strategy will be put in place to allow continued contact and ongoing advice/support as required. The original project will be evaluated monthly for 6 months then at 3 months intervals for the remainder of the one year.
Sustainability Schedule
Waste Management
0 months: Project implemented and phase over plan put in place. Identify in-country sponsor/donor. Monitoring for training requirements. Transport of recycling to Suva arranged.
3 months: M.O.U with new sponsor/donor. Key members of the community identified. Monitoring for training requirements. Transport of recycling to Suva with key members of the community identified in the M.O.U.
6 months: Community to organize transport of recycling to Suva. Review M.O.U and review the progress of the community taking ownership of the waste management program.
9 months: Review M.O.U and progress. Monitoring for training requirements.
12 months: Official handover of the Waste Management program to the communities of the Dawasamu District.
Health Project
0 months: Start to train 14 community health workers to continue data analysis. Training will be done on a one-one bases over a period of nine months.
9 months: Data used by the District Nurse and community health workers, to measure the impact of the activities conducted throughout the district, comparing month by month, year on year. Monitoring and analyzing data, using year on year data to see trends and how community health workers are targeting areas of concerns.
12 months: Official handover of the “Data analysis report “ to the District Nurse and community health workers.
Education Project
0-18 months: Facilitating learning through play sessions. Milestone workshops conducted. To be implemented in 3 villages. Monitor and review on a monthly basis and make changes if required.
18-24 months: Identify 3-5 community members who show the ability and interest in coordinating play sessions within their communities. Training plan created.
24 months: Phase over. A fundraiser organized, and looking for any suitable grants that could contribute to supplies required. Official handover of the Early Childhood Education to the 3 villages.
3 years: Phase over. Evaluate play sessions in each village on a monthly basis for 6 months, then at 3 months intervals for the remainder of the year. Additional training and support given if required.
10 USD
Fund the planting of 100 new seeds in a garden.
25 USD
Buy a water filter cartridge that will last 3 months.
50 USD
Fund educational healthcare materials and activities.
100 USD
Fund enough fertilizer for a garden for 1 year.
400 USD
Fund the setup of a new vegetable garden at a school.
Project Target: 7,500 USD
Raised so far: 3,130 USD
Funds still needed: 4,370 USD
The Dawasamu community development project focuses on health, education, and improvement to facilities.
Our Fiji Health Program assists the Local District Nurse to address health issues in the district of Dawasamu.
Reintegrate elephants in Chiang Mai and support rural communities to create economic opportunities.
Support Education in Nepal through locally led projects improving educational infrastructure and equipment to support 80 children’s education per year
Protect the sicklefin lemon shark, the hawksbill, and the green turtle, and support terrestrial conservation projects on Curieuse Island.
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