On Curieuse Island, which is a national park managed by our local partner, Seychelles National Park Authority, GVI Charitable Programs work to ensure the long term survival of the sicklefin lemon shark, the hawksbill turtle, the green turtle, and support terrestrial conservation projects. On the island, we contribute to collecting marine and terrestrial data, including data on the Aldabra giant tortoises who roam freely.

    Primary Objective:

    – Increase scientific knowledge and baseline data on the health of ecosystems on Curieuse Island.


    Secondary Objectives:

    – Understanding of population and behavior of female hawksbill turtles, sicklefin lemon sharks, and Aldabra giant tortoises. 

    – Understand accretion and erosion rates on Curieuse MNP beaches.

    – Understand the abundance and diversity of fish and megafauna through baited remote underwater videos. 

    – Rat eradication from select parts of the island to promote more flora and fauna diversity. 

    – Support revenue streams for the continuation of the conservation of the area national park.



    Sustainability Goal


    We have a 16 year partnership  in place with Seychelles National Park Authority and through that time will:

    – Build-up a detailed collection of data sets through research activities under the direction of the National Park and other local collaborating partners.

    – Build capacity of the National Parks and collaborating partners to be able to continue the data sets on a less intensive frequency after the end of the project.

    – Build capacity of the National Parks and collaborating partners to be able to write and submit a sufficient number of reports regarding the datasets to independently meet their required targets, and achieve continued and sustained funding from the appropriate funding bodies.

    – Build capacity of the National Parks and collaborating partners to successfully access sufficient funding to allow an ongoing, continued physical presence on Curieuse Marine National Park.




    Sustainability Method


    Both phasing down and phasing over methods will be applied as parts of the exit strategy.

    Phasing Down

    The intensity of the ongoing research program will be reduced to minimize the impact of the ecosystems and reflect what SNPA has the capacity to do but maintained with data being collected annually, at a potentially lower capacity. We will create a plan for how many people are needed to complete each research project. 

    Phasing Over

    Through a planned and responsive program of collaborative capacity building, the project will be established and then will be phased over to the National Park and other partners in the final phase of the project.





    Ongoing Sustainability Support

    Once phased over, the collaborating partners will continue working together and employ the transition strategy provided by GVI Charitable Programs, which will be employed to allow continued contact and ongoing advice/support as required. The original project will be evaluated by GVI Charitable Programs after 6 months, and 1, 2, and 3 years after phasing over is complete. This will be done via inspection of data sets, interviews with stakeholders, and collaborative partner meetings.




    Sustainability Schedule


    The 10 year project is broken down into 3 phases. The overarching goal is to gather data to better understand the areas we are studying. We aim to have SNPA carry on the work with the right funding and training conducted by their rangers. 


    Phase 1, Establish data-sets, strengths, and needs – 5 years

    Collaboratively setting up and conducting research programs to establish data sets and understand the strengths and needs of partners and community:

    – Establish a network of collaborative stakeholders (SeyCCAT, UniSey, SNPA).

    – Establish and refine research objectives, methods, areas, and programs of importance in the local context.

    – Assess and identify the strengths of needs of collaborating partners in relation to the objective

    – Assess and identify the strengths of the needs of the local community in relation to the objectives. The community will be involved in data collection on Curieuse through a separate program set up with SNPA to help with environmental awareness and also community engagement so they can understand the importance of the work and the impacts they create.

    – Identify collaborating partners in preparation for phase 2, capacity building.


    Phase 2, Capacity building – 3 years

    Continuation of research programs whilst conducting capacity building initiatives across partner organizations and community:

    – Continue the ongoing research programs of importance in the local context.

    – Identify the roles and responsibilities of collaborating partners in relation to the objective and training supplied as required.

    – Funding required for each collaborating party to maintain their initial role in phase 3 assessed and secured, and post-exit budgets quantified.

    – Identify the role and responsibilities of the local community in relation to the objective and training supplied as required.


    Phase 3, Withdrawal – 2 years

    Collaborative parties increasingly conduct responsibilities as per above with an aim of complete exit by GVI Charitable Programs at the end of this phase:

    – Each collaborating partner starts their post-exit role and increasingly takes on responsibility in preparation for the final exit.

    – Final post-exit funding secured.

    – Ongoing support system and resources defined and in place.

    – Initial evaluation of the project. 



    10 USD
    Plant 2 trees.

    20 USD
    Fund 1 tag to monitor and protect animals from poachers.

    50 USD
    Fund emergency supplies in response to forest fires.

    100 USD
    Fund the housing of 50 tortoise hatchlings for 1 year.

    500 USD
    Train 1 local person for 1 month as a conservation scientist.

    Project Target: 5,000 USD

    Raised so far:  1,672 USD

    Funds still needed: 3,328 USD




    On the small island of Curieuse, research is vital for its protected and near endangered species. Monitored species include lemon sharks, hawksbill turtles, and giant tortoises.


    Research completed in Curieuse Marine National Park has resulted in 700 shark taggings. This has lead to estimations of population size, growth rates, and the number of breeding females.



    Support critical marine conservation projects, focusing on marine species research, and the rich flora and fauna in Cap Ternay.


    Collaborate with local organizations in Phang Nga on sustainable community development projects, focusing on teaching and health education.


    Support for the conservation of of a biodiversity hotspot including tropical rainforest and a globally important sea turtle nesting area.


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