With a primary focus on marine & wildlife conservation, in Costa Rica, GVI Charitable Programs support the conservation of rainforest and sea turtles in Tortuguero National Park. The 31,200 hectares of National Park is home to over 500 species of plants and animals, including 30 IUCN red-listed species and 27 species of butterfly (an excellent indicator of the health of the environment), making it a globally important biodiversity hotspot. It is also a globally important turtle nesting site, hosting an estimated of 150,000 to 200,000 adult nesting turtles per annum.

Our collaborative, locally led project, supports our local partner organisations to expand the scope of scale of their research to aid the conservation of this important area and the species which rely upon it. We work with local organizations to collect data and support conservation initiatives including data collection and analysis, and maintaining visible presence within the reserve to deter poaching. We also collaborate with the local community and partners to support local conservation capacity building and alternative incomes opportunities, to help facilitate access to tourism sector and a dependence upon the conservation of the the area’s amazing natural resources. Please see our sustainability plan as outlined below.

To help us to keep improving the scope and quality of our project, we are seeking funds to help us source additional survey equipment, including additional computers for data analysis and writing scientific papers, in particular for our butterfly study, which is an excellent indicator for the health of the area. The study has so far documented 27 different species but with additional equipment we could expand the scope and scale of this work  and our other long term research. The equipment will allow us to expand the scope of our research and publish further papers, leading to better informed decisions for the regulation and policies  put in place by our partners to protect the biodiversity hotspot we are collaboratively aiming to conserve.



Primary Objective:

Conservation of the southern part of Tortuguero National Park 


Secondary Objectives:

– Understanding of the population and behaviour of select mega-fauna within the southern part of Tortuguero National Park.

– Reduction in poaching rates in the southern part of Tortuguero National Park.

– Supporting revenue streams for the continuation of conservation within the areas of the National Park.




Sustainability Goal

GVI Charitable Programs has a 10 year partnership  in place with National Park and through that time we will:

– Build up detailed data sets through research activities under the direction of the National Park and other local collaborating partners.

– Build capacity of the National Parks and collaborating partners to be able to continue the data sets on a less intensive frequency after the end of the project.

– Build capacity of the National Parks and collaborating partners. This will enable them to write and submit sufficient numbers of reports regarding the datasets, to independently meet their required targets, and to achieve continued and sustained funding from the National Parks Agency.

– Build capacity of the National Parks and collaborating partners to successfully access sufficient funding to allow an ongoing, continuous physical presence in the southern part of of Tortuguero National Park.


The 10 years project is broken down into 3 phases:

Phase 1, 5 years – Establish data-sets, strengths, and needs

Collaboratively set up and conduct a research program to establish data sets and understand the strengths and needs of partners and community:

– Establish a network of collaborative stakeholders. 

– Establish and refine research objectives, methods, areas, and programs of importance in the local context.

– Assess and identify the strengths of the needs of collaborating partners in relation to the objective.

– Assess and identify the strengths of the needs of the local community in relation to the objective.


Phase 2, 3 years – Capacity building 

Continuation of research programs whilst conducting capacity building initiatives across partner organizations and community:

– Continue the ongoing research programs of importance in the local context.

– Identify the roles and responsibilities of collaborating partners in relation to the objective and training supplied as required.

– Funding required for each collaborating party to maintain their initial role in Phase 3, assessed, secured, and post-exit budgets quantified.

– Identify the role and responsibilities of the local community in relation to the objective and training supplied as required.


Phase 3, 2 years – Withdrawal 

Collaborative parties increasingly conduct responsibilities as per above with an aim of complete exit by GVI Charitable Programs at the end of this phase:

– Each collaborating partner starts their post-exit role and increasingly takes on responsibility in preparation for the final exit.

– Local community begins their post-exit role and increasingly takes responsibility in preparation for the final exit.

– Final post-exit funding secured.

– Ongoing support system and resources defined and in place

– Initial evaluation of the project. 


Sustainability Method

Phasing down and phasing over methods will be applied as parts of the exit strategy.


Phasing down

The intensity of the ongoing research program will be reduced to minimize the impact of the eco-systems but maintained with data being collected annually at a much lower frequency.

Phasing over

Through a planned and responsive program of collaborative capacity building, the project will be established and then will be phased over to the National Park and other partners in the final phase of the project.




Ongoing Sustainability Support

Once phased over, the collaborating partners will continue working together and employ a transition strategy where GVI Charitable Programs will provide continued contact and ongoing support as required. The original project will be evaluated by GVI Charitable Programs after 6 months, then 1, 2, and 3 years after phasing over is complete. This will be done via onsite visits, an inspection of data sets, interviews with stakeholders, and collaborative partner meetings.




Sustainability Schedule

Phase 1, 5 years

0 months:

– Initial collaborating partners identified and the project plan agreed upon. 

– Phase 1 funding agreed.

– Project planned and initial project areas and methodologies identified.

– Personnel recruited and trained.

3 months: 

– Initial project work started and refined.

– Monitoring of successes and challenges, and refinement to processes and methods.

6 months 

– Start the evaluation of the first 6 months.

– Refinement of processes and methods where necessary.

– Additional project work started.

– Early observations of the strengths and needs of partners and the local community.

9 months

– Ongoing research programs.

– Monitoring of successes and challenges, and refinement to processes and methods for new projects.

– Initial discussion with partners in regard to beneficial training programs.

– Initial discussion with the local community in regard to beneficial training programs.

12 months

– Start the evaluation of the first 12 months.

– Refinement to processes and methods where necessary.

– Initial capacity building workshops with partners planned.

– Initial capacity building workshops with the local community planned.

18 months

– Start evaluation of the first 18 months including the first full year of the refined data set.

– Refinement to processes and methods where necessary.

– Initial capacity building workshops with partners conducted.

– Initial capacity building workshops with the local community conducted.

2 years 

– Start the evaluation of the first 2 years.

– Refinement to processes and methods where necessary.

3 years

– Phase 1 halfway point evaluation and refinement complete.

– 3 year evaluation started.

– Ongoing and consistent research conducted for 1 to 2 year period.

– Partner capacity building workshops expanded.

– Local community capacity building workshops expanded.

4 years

 – 4 year evaluation started.

– Ongoing and consistent research conducted for 1 to 2 year period.

– Partner capacity building workshops expanded.

– Local community capacity building workshops expanded.

– Planning for phase 2 preparation complete.

5 years 

– Phase 1 complete.

– 3 to 4 years of full consistent data sets.

– Partner capacity building workshops being conducted at a suitable rate for the objective.

– Local community capacity building workshops being conducted at a suitable rate for the objective.

– Phase 2 preparation and planning complete.



10 USD
provides a 3 month research permit

25 USD
allows us to maintain and replace essential survey equipment.

40 USD
provides an annual research permit

100 USD
provides environmental education and alternate income training in local communities

300 USD
supplies an additional GPS to expand our survey capacity.

Project Target: 5,000 USD

Raised so far: 381 USD

Funds still needed: 4,619 USD




Contribute to the research and scientific understanding of Turtles n the Conservation Area of Tortuguero.


Contribute to the research and scientific understanding of Turtles in the Conservation Area of Tortuguero.



Reintegrate elephants in Chiang Mai and support rural communities to create economic opportunities.


Provide support for marine and coastal conservation, help protect endangered sea turtle populations, and contribute to conservation education.


Support critical marine conservation projects, focusing on marine species research, and the rich flora and fauna in Cap Ternay.


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