
Laos, Luang Prabang

Laos has 5 major long term objectives that help to ensure that all our programs focus on working towards community development through education, local leadership, improving quality of life, and increasing opportunities for community members.

  • To develop relationships with educational institutions and individuals with the aim of increasing their ability to provide educational opportunities
  • To improve the quality of education in Laos for students 
  • To provide educational opportunities to all students in the local community, regardless of socio-economic status, ethnicity and gender
  • Improving the health and well being of the Lao community
  • Improving employment opportunities and socioeconomic status of community members.

Our project assists local Lao teachers in the classrooms at temple school. This not only helps over 600 students learn grammar and pronunciation from a native or fluent English speaker, but it also helps local teachers improve their own language skills. 

Over the last 3 years, 10 local students and young professionals participated in an intensive internship program where they learned more about TEFL style teaching, lesson planning, skills that would help them get ahead in the job market.  Of these 10 individuals, 5 were male and 5 female. 

Females have been a focus for several initiatives; computer workshops for young women to help build marketable skills, CV and interviewing workshops for girls to help them gain access to employment. Over 20 students are reached each year with these female-only workshops.

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