
Improving School Facilities in Nepal

Effective teaching and a strong curriculum are key to SDG 4,  Quality Education. The standard of school facilities is also a strong factor. Our project strives to support schools to improve their learning environments. This includes refurbishing rooms, building furniture, and improving bathroom facilities.

A new-look school

A great example of how funds can be used to make a positive impact is a project that was completed earlier this year.    

A small Government school in the Pokhara region was keen to improve its facilities. Bathroom facilities were run-down and school desks were wobbly. The school had little storage and walls were in need of patch and repair as well as painting.

The school has 45 students and their teachers.  The improvements made included:

  • building sturdy school desks with built-in storage
  • constructing  storage shelves for learning areas
  • patching classroom walls and then repainting them
  • upgrading the toilet facilities

One of the refurbished classrooms is now the school library.  This is a positive way of encouraging students to read and learn in a shared environment.

Part of the refurbishment was to paint the Nepali emblems on the school walls. This is a tradition in Nepal. For this small school to be part of this practice was a great step for the pride in the school.

The improvements have led to a cleaner, safer, more stimulating learning space for the students.  It is also a more satisfying environment for teachers to carry out their daily roles.

Where to from here?

We plan to continue supporting improvements to learning environments. Our feedback from the partner school has been very positive.  The desks in particular have made a huge difference in students’ attention when learning. As they are not working on unstable benches and tables. We know there are many schools with similar needs.

Your donation not only supports the schools.  It also supports local businesses.  All materials for school refurbishments are purchased locally providing much-needed income. Local workers are also employed to help carry out the improvements.

Your donation can help

Your donation can go a long way to improving school learning environments.

Local businesses will appreciate the business and staff and students will benefit from an improved learning environment. Your support is appreciated.


One reply on “Improving School Facilities in Nepal”

Hello, as a young man who loves volunteering and charitable works, I send my message to young men and women volunteers, with my greetings and encouragement to them, and I am very sad because there is no team that opened the door for me to get involved. I wish you success and success. Thank you

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