In Cap Ternay on the island of Mahe, GVI Charitable Programs support critical marine conservation projects, focusing on marine species research, and the rich flora and fauna in Cap Ternay. We conduct marine species research that contributes towards providing data to the local government on various conservation initiatives.

Primary Objective:

– To provide a long term and consistent collection of data assessing the overall health and development of the reef systems within Seychelles.


Secondary Objectives:

– Understand the effectiveness of the MPA’s on the health and development of the reef systems around Seychelles.

– Increase community awareness and education on matters relating to marine ecosystems.

– Development, implementation, and sustained revenue streams for the continuous monitoring, development, and repairing of the reef systems within Seychelles.



Sustainability Goal


We have developed a successful 16 year partnership with The Seychelles National Parks Authority (SNPA). Over the next 5 years the partnership in place will:

– Continue the collection of data assessing the overall health and development of the reef systems across the North West of Mahe.

– Build capacity of SNPA and collaborating partners to be able to continue and complete the monitoring of the coral reef ecosystems across the North West of Mahe and other areas currently managed by SNPA.

– Build capacity of SNPA to successfully access sufficient funding through means such as private funding as well as funding through international tourism and conservation.




Sustainability Method

To continue the ongoing data set of the North West of Mahe there will be a phase-down and a phase over. Through a planned and responsive program of collaborative capacity building, the project will be established and then will be phased down to reduce the survey sites covered across the North West of Mahe but allow an increase in survey sites across Seychelles as a whole. The phase over to SNPA will occur to carry on the program with the development of rangers to survey all aspects of the reef system. This will include an extensive training program so that senior rangers are able to develop new rangers and staff in identification, methodology, and survey techniques whilst also improving their diving to make sure that all diving activities are completed in a fun but safe manner that meets national and international standards.




Ongoing Sustainability Support

Once phased over, the collaborating partners will continue working together and employ the transition strategy provided by GVI Charitable Programs, which will be employed to allow continued contact and ongoing advice/support as required. The original project will be evaluated by GVI Charitable Programs after 6 months, and 1, 2, and 3 years after phasing over is complete. This will be done via inspection of data sets, interviews with stakeholders, and collaborative partner meetings.




Sustainability Schedule


The 5 year project is broken down into 3 phases.

Phase 1

Phase 1 has been established. The aim of phase one was to establish a monitoring program of the coral reef ecosystems across the North West of Mahe. This is managed by the NGO Global Vision International Seychelles in partnership with the Seychelles National Park Authority.


Phase 2, Capacity building – 36 months

Continuation of research programs whilst conducting capacity building initiatives across partner organizations and the community:

– Continue the ongoing research of the long-term and consistent collection of data assessing the overall health and development of the reef systems within Seychelles.

– Identify the roles and responsibilities of SNPA in relation to the objectives.

– Identify and develop a training course that can upskill and develop the SNPA rangers in relation to the primary objective.

– Identify the roles and responsibilities of other stakeholders from other organizations and the local communities within the MPA and understand their relationship with regards to the primary and secondary objectives.

– Identify and develop training courses to upskill and develop those stakeholders from other organizations and the local community.

– Recognise the funding required for each collaborating party to maintain their initial role in phase 2.

– Discuss with SNPA and finalize a plan for phasing over during phase 3.

– In conjunction with SNPA understand and develop a funding plan that can be implemented during phase 3.


Phase 3, Withdrawal – 24 months

Collaborative parties increasingly conduct responsibilities as per above with an aim of our complete exit at the end of this phase:

– Each collaborating partner starts their post-exit role and increasingly takes on responsibility in preparation for the final exit.

– Final post-exit funding secured.

– Ongoing support system and resources defined and in place.

– Initial evaluation of the project. 

– A transition strategy will be implemented focusing on the phase-down of survey sites across the North West of Mahe and the increase of survey sites across other marine protected areas in Seychelles. This will be developed with the collaborative effort of all partners involved.



10 USD
Fund recycling bags and disposal for 1 beach clean up event.

25 USD
Fund 1 environmental education workshop for local students.

100 USD
Fund a monthly service for the research vessel’s engine.

350 USD
Fund dive and science training for 1 local national park ranger.

750 USD
Fund 1 marine scientist to conduct monitoring and environmental education workshops for 1 month.

Project Target: 5,000 USD

Raised so far:  1,960 USD

Funds still needed: 3,040 USD




Located in Seychelles, Cap Ternay projects focus on Life Below Water, Quality Education, and Partnerships for the Goals.



Reintegrate elephants in Chiang Mai and support rural communities to create economic opportunities.


Provide support for marine and coastal conservation, help protect endangered sea turtle populations, and contribute to conservation education.


Protect South Africa’s fauna and flora in Limpopo, supporting the conservation of wildlife including rhinos, big cats, and large game.


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